Dec. 30, 2023

AEW Worlds End Live Coverage - MJF Vs. Samoa Joe | Eddie Kingston Vs. Jon Moxley

AEW Worlds End Live Coverage - MJF Vs. Samoa Joe | Eddie Kingston Vs. Jon Moxley

We will have live coverage of the PPV version of AEW Worlds End which features MJF defending his world title against Samoa Joe and the finals of the Continental Classic between Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley.

After the show, make sure you head over to our YouTube channel to watch Kevin Ely and James B. McDaniel break the show down on a live episode of The Boom. 


On the Zero hour, Willow beat Kris Statlander, Killswitch won the battle royal for the shot at the TNT title, and Hook beat Wheeler Yuta. 

Brody King, Jay Lethal, Jay White, and Rush Vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Mark Briscoe, Daniel Garcia, and Bryan Danielson

Danielson still has the eye patch on. I guess he's going all the way to the Tokyo Dome with the eye patch on.

Some nice sequences early on with Danielson and Jay White. Danielson was ready to go for his kicks on White and Garcia tagged him in. During the introductions, Garcia was about to dance and Danielson's entrance music started so Garcia was upset. 

After a quick go 'round with Brody King and Rush, Garcia's nose started bleeding. Looks like a broken nose. White tagged back in and beat on Garcia. It broke down into a brawl with everyone and Briscoe hit the big elbow to the floor on Rush. 

The story is so far that the big underdog in Garcia is a fighter and constantly making comebacks. After a few sequences where everyone was just hitting moves in the ring as if it was a no DQ, Garcia rolled up Lethal to win the match. 

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, Mark Briscoe, Daniel Garcia, and Bryan Danielson

After the match, Garcia did his dance, but it didn't seem like Danielson and Claudio were into it. 

Miro Vs. Andrade El Idolo (with CJ Perry)

Miro is beating up Andrade and then cat calling his own wife who has a bandage around her injured finger. CJ is rooting solely for Andrade which is probably setting up some sort of turn during the match with the report that Andrade is going back to WWE.

The match doesn't have much heat at all. Andrade was going to kick him in the corner, but Miro rolled out. Andrade hit his middle rope moonsault to the floor and then threw him into the steps. He did his multiple moonsault spot for a two count on Miro. 

Miro took control and put him in the Game Over submission. Perry was screaming at him not to tap. Andrade reached the ropes. Miro screamed at CJ to cheer for her husband. 

Andrade hit the back elbow for a 2.99 count. Andrade put Miro in the figure four and then turned it into the figure eight. CJ turned on him which caused him to eat a Miro kick for a two count. Miro then won with the Game Over.

Winner: Miro

Riho Vs. Toni Storm

Toni Storm has kinesiology tape on her shoulder. Riho went for a bodyslam early on and Toni Storm Andre the Giant'd her. Luther is heavily involved in this match. At one point, Storm got on his shoulders on the outside and helped her perform an apron move. Then he pushed the ropes out when Riho was in a submission. Rick Knox finally sent him to the back.

Riho started her comeback and finally got the bodyslam on Storm. She hit a dive on Storm on the outside. Match picked up. Storm hit the Storm Zero short piledriver for a really good nearfall. Riho went to the top and Storm yanked her violently from the top. Storm then her with the backbreaker DDT to win the match.

Winner: Toni Storm

Mariah May ran in and sprinkled rose petals on her.

Swerve Strickland Vs. Dustin Rhodes

This match was supposed to be Swerve vs. Keith Lee but Lee is hurt. Dustin Rhodes was the best Tony Khan could do? 

Swerve took advantage of Dustin early on and he rammed him into the steps. Prince Nana brought out a cinderblock and put Dustin's ankle on top of it. Swerve jumped on top of it. Dustin crumbled like he broke his ankle. He limped toward the back and then toward the ring again. The ref let him lay down on top of the bottom turnbuckle and then let him wrestle. Swerve immediately hit a big kick on him.

Swerve was punishing him until he put him on the top rope. Dustin made his comeback and hit a Canadian Destroyer. Swerve took back over with big kicks, his elbow dislocation spot, and then the stomp for the win. 

The match was way longer than it should've been. Dustin is never pushed and was booked like a big time player there. Should've been a squash.

Winner: Swerve Strickland 

Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin & Sting Vs. Ricky Starks, Big Bill, Will Hobbs & Takeshita

The crowd is dead once again for this one. But they did get excited to boo Jericho for just about anything. They chanted NDA at him. Takeshita was throwing people in the best moments. Hobbs doing big man stuff as well. But Jericho and Big Bill and Sting an everyone were on different pages. 

They went into their big spots. Starks hit a spear on Guevara. Guevara hit a shooting star press on Starks to win it. This match wasn't good.

Winner: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin & Sting

Sting had a nice moment in the ring to celebrate in front of the audience.

Julia Hart Vs. Abadon

The House Rules stipulation is that biting is legal. This was a slow match which had to happen because both wrestlers have similar slow styles based on their gimmick.

Abadon went to bite her a few times. Skye Blue came out to interfere which caused Abadon to attack her. Julia rammed the back of her head against the steps multiple times in a row before hitting a poor version of her moonsault.

Winner: Julia Hart

Adam Copeland Vs. Christian Cage

Copeland jumped Christian before the match started and before he was able to get to the ring. They went all over the crowd and Copeland did a dive off one of the sections in the crowd.

Christian grabbed a kendo stick in this no DQ match and used it to choke Copeland. Christian had Nick Wayne grab a chair and he put Copeland in a Boston Crab with the chair. He went to get a pipe but missed. Copeland got the kendo stick and used it on Christian. He put Christian in the crossface and used the pipe by putting it in his mouth. 

Copeland grabbed a ladder and put it in the ring. They were both near the top of the ladder and Christian did a sunset flip on Copeland. Wayne and Christian put table on the floor and Christian tried to suplex him to the outside but couldn't do it. Copeland tried to get Christian a conchairto but Wayne stole the chair. 

Christian and Wayne set up a table in the corner. Copeland speared Christian through it and got a two count after Mother Wayne pulled the referee out. 

Nick did a cutter on Copeland on the outside and threw Copeland back in. Christian hit the Killswitch for a two count. 

They went to the outside and put lighter fluid on the table. It went out so they had to redo it. Edge powerbombed Nick onto the fire table but it didn't break because he overthrew him. He then hit the Killswitch on Christian to win the match.

Winner: Adam Copeland

Formerly known as Luchasauras jumped Copeland from behind. He won the battle royal to earn the TNT title shot which he can enact at any time. He went to cash in but Christian asked him to hand it over and he gave it to him. Christian signed it and they restarted the match.

Christian hit the spear on Copeland and he pinned him to regain his TNT title.

Winner: Christian Cage

Eddie Kingston Vs. Jon Moxley 

Eddie is fired up for this one. So much so that he did a dive to the outside and missed Moxley completely and rammed his head into the barricade.

The match immediately turned to a chop fest with both men giving up their chest to prove who was more macho. Moxley hit a cutter and then a lariat to get the upper hand. 

They traded bulldog chokes and then started trading slaps to the face. In the midst of the multiple slaps, Eddie hit a backhand and pinned him. Pretty sudden.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

After the match, Moxley and Kingston hugged. 

Samoa Joe Vs. MJF with Adam Cole

MJF has an elbow pad on his left elbow and he's wearing some sort of shoulder brace on his left shoulder. The match so far is about him trying to wrestle with his messed up shoulder and Samoa Joe being ruthless. 

Joe gave him a Muscle Buster on the side of the apron. It looked brutal. He kicked out at two and the crowd didn't even really pop. Tough crowd.

MJF went for the kangaroo kick and was kicked right in his chest. MJF went for the Salt of the Earth but Joe put on a shoulder lock of his own. MJF got to the bottom rope. 

The ref was bumped and Joe was on the top rope. MJF gave him a low blow and then hit a F5. He scored a two count. MJF went to Cole to get the ring but Cole couldn't find it. He found it, but the delay allowed Joe to put him in a choke. He fell back onto Joe for a two count, but then was put in the choke again and went to sleep. 

Winner: Samoa Joe

MJF is in the ring crying and Cole is trying to pump him up. The Devil's henchmen surrounded ringside and grabbed both of them, threatening to hit MJF with a chair. Cole asked them to hit him instead. MJF wanted them to hit him instead. The lights went out. Cole was sitting on a chair and the henchmen unmasked as Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong, and Wardlow.